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International Public Opinion Information Tracking and Research Report on the South China Sea (2023)


In 2023, global public opinion and information involving the South China Seawere exceptionally active. Political, diplomatic, and military activities intertwined on the global stage, creating a complex picture of the security situation in the region. This report comprehensively tracks and analyzes public opinion sentiment, official statements, news reports, and social media dynamics throughout the year, revealing the significant value of public opinion monitoring in understanding regional affairs. As the interaction between public opinion and actual policies becomes more pronounced, tracking public opinion information is not only a record of facts but also a key tool for gaining insights into trends and predicting future developments.

Developments in important hotspot areas, such as the dynamics of Ren'ai Reef (Second Thomas Shoal) and Huangyan Island (Scarborough Shoal), as well as the construction of islands and reefs in the South China Sea, have been focal points in public opinion on the region. China-Philippines relations, U.S. military activities in the South China Sea, China-Vietnamese coast guard interactions, and joint patrols by Southeast Asian countries have all been at the center of public attention. The military actions of non-South China Sea claimants and the increased frequency of official  spokespersons referencing events in the South China Sea indicate the interests of extra-regional countries in the area and their role in regional security affairs.

The results of tracking public opinion information throughout the year highlight a weakening willingness to cooperate and an increase in confrontational factors. These findings not only reflect regional dynamics but also provide an important reference for future policymaking. Through detailed tracking of public opinion information, this report aims to offer policymakers, researchers, and the general public an important reference for understanding the complicated situation in the South China Sea and predicting its future direction.

The security situation in the South China Sea saw important developments in each quarter of 2023. Starting from a relatively benign situation in the first quarter, tensions gradually escalated in the following quarters. Particularly notable was the gradual escalation in China-Philippines relations, U.S. military activities in the South China Sea, and China-Vietnam maritime police interactions. By the end of the year, military and diplomatic activities increased significantly with the strengthening of U.S.-Philippine defense cooperation and the renewal of the military basing agreement demonstrating deeper changes in the global power dialogue and competition.

This report not only captures public opinion information from the past year but, through comprehensive and detailed analysis, provides a perspective to gain insight into possible future developments. In this context, the value of tracking public opinion information should not be underestimated, as it enables us to better analyze the management and escalation of conflicts and assist in ensuring security and peace in the South China Sea region.

International Public Opinion Information Tracking and Research Report on the South China Sea (2023).pdf


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