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GVI holds China-Uganda Economic and Trade Investment Briefing



Grandview Institution, in collaboration with the Liaoning Federation of Industry and Commerce, organised a China-Uganda Economic and Trade Investment Briefing on September 7. Over 20 Ugandan officials, including Katumba Edward Wamala, Minister of Works and Transport, Ronald Kibule, former Minister of Water and Environment, and Jackson Kafuuzi Karugaba, Deputy Attorney General, as well as representatives from various Ugandan ministries and the Ugandan Embassy in China, attended the event. The meeting was attended by over 100 representatives from the political, business, and academic sectors of both China and Uganda, as well as the Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, Zhang Lichong, Huang Yang, Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial United Front Work Department and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Liaoning Federation of Industry and Commerce. The participants celebrated friendship and explored opportunities for collaboration.


In his speech, Zhao Genrong, Vice President of Grandview Institution and Director of the Shanghai Centre, expressed his intention to utilise this event as a foundation for the organisation of more practical activities in collaboration with business organisations, such as the Liaoning Federation of Industry and Commerce, to assist in the establishment of a community with a shared future for China and Africa.


The Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, Zhang Lichong, observed that the political mutual trust between China and Uganda has been steadily strengthened, economic and trade exchanges have become more intimate, and practical cooperation has produced beneficial outcomes for the populations of both countries, all under the strategic guidance of their respective leaders. He emphasised that the China-Uganda Economic and Trade Investment Briefing is an effective measure to promote investment and business development, reflecting the sincere efforts of both countries to establish an open, fair, and just business environment. Ambassador Zhang expressed optimism that Chinese enterprises will fortify their partnerships with Ugandan counterparts in order to elevate economic and trade relations between the two countries to unprecedented levels.



Katumba Edward Wamala, the Ugandan Minister of Works and Transport, and Ronald Kibule, the former Minister of Water and Environment, both expressed a strong interest in the economic and trade opportunities that China offers in their speeches. They cordially extended an invitation to Chinese entrepreneurs to visit Uganda for the purposes of tourism, exploration, and investment, emphasising the potential for mutually beneficial partnerships.


Detailed presentations on the country's key industries were delivered by Ugandan officials from relevant ministries, emphasising areas of strength and opportunity. Entrepreneurs who participated in the event actively engaged with the presenters, engaging in discussions and asking questions about high-quality resources, emerging industries, and high-end projects. The atmosphere was lively, as both parties exchanged perspectives and reached numerous agreements regarding potential collaborations.


Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial United Front Work Department and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Liaoning Federation of Industry and Commerce, Huang Yang, observed that economic and trade cooperation is deepening, cultural exchanges are becoming increasingly close, and exchanges between Liaoning and Ugandan local governments are frequent. This presents a wide range of opportunities for collaboration. He emphasised that this meeting capitalises on the opportunity presented by the successful 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit, serving as a practical step by the Liaoning Federation of Industry and Commerce to establish platforms and expand opportunities for Liaoning's private enterprises to compete in the international market and venture abroad. In the future, they will persist in their role as a bridge, enabling private enterprises to enhance international cooperation.



Zhang Hao, the President of the Ugandan Chinese Community Association, has been deeply involved in Uganda for over 20 years and has expressed his dedication to enhancing the cooperation between China and Uganda. Ma Shujun, Chairman of Dalian Sim Group; Xu Baoping, Rotating President of the Liaoning Business Association and Chairman of Shilong Group; and Wang Zengtai, Executive Vice President of the Beijing Liaoning Enterprise Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of Zhongkejian Construction Development Co., Ltd., among other attendees, also expressed their intention to capitalise on the diverse platforms offered by Grandview Institution and business organisations. They underscored their eagerness to actively participate in China-Africa cooperation, capitalise on international markets, foster confidence, and collaboratively pursue opportunities for growth and collaboration.





The "Huachao Art Troupe" of Beijing, consisting of Chinese teachers and students, presented renowned pipa pieces, including "Jasmine Flower," "Rising Higher Step by Step," "Gan Hua Hui," and "Dance of the Yi People," to guests from both China and Uganda.