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GVI Hosts China-Africa Cultural Salon in Uganda


On August 11th, GVI co-hosted the China-Africa Cultural Salon with Luyanzi Institute of Technology (LIT) and the Confucius Institute of Makerere University (Mak) in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. The Salon was co-hosted by He An, Secretary General and Director of the Center for South Asian Studies, and Ma Baiwan, a Ugandan student at the Confucius Institute of Mak.


Mrs. Major General Fred Mugisha, former Ambassador of Uganda to China, Mr. Zhong Jianghua, Director (Chinese side) of Confucius Institute of Mak, Mrs. Wang Lihong, Director of LIT, Mr. Suma, Director of Aviation of Uganda International Airport, Mr. Li Jincheng, President of Uganda Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ju Wenjie, Secretary of Party Committee of China Communications Construction Uganda, Mr. Zhang Zhichun, Executive Director of Tiantang Group, attended the Salon. Other participants included representatives of Chinese and Ugandan cultural groups in Uganda, students at Confucius Institutes, Chinese enterprises, and locals from all walks of life. Ms. Bixiao, a Chinese poet and painter (the author of Purple Snow) in Uganda, was the keynote speaker of the salon, where she shared her experience of poem-writing and creating the oil painting of Purple Snow with the Chinese and African friends present.


China-Africa Cultural Salon held in Kampala, Uganda.



Chinese and Ugandan artists talk about their creative experiences.



A LIT Student recites Qinyuanchun ( Spring in a Pleasure Garden) Snow, a famous poem by Chairman Mao Tsedong.



 Mrs. Major General Fred Mugisha (middle), former Ambassador of Uganda to China, takes a photo with Ms. Bixiao.



 A student at the Confucius Institute of Mak talks with the artists about the China-Uganda friendship.



 A LIT Student takes a photo in front of Ms. Bixiao's oil painting.


Uganda is a landlocked country located in the east of Africa, straddling the equator, bordering South Sudan in the north, Kenya in the east, Congo (DRC) in the west, Rwanda in the southwest, and Tanzania in the south. It has a favorable geographical location and a pleasant climate.


This China-Africa Cultural Salon, jointly organized by GVI, Uganda’s LIT, and the Confucius Institute of Mak, allowed Chinese and African cultures to have a crush on and learn from each other on the shore of Lake Victoria near the source of the Nile River, through the appreciation of poems, art exchanges, experience of Chinese tea culture, and African song and dance performances, which represented a milestone of China-Africa friendship. The guests expressed their wishes for the success of the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit to be held in Beijing from September 4 to 6, hoping that China and African countries would join hands to build the Belt and Road and a closer community of destiny, which would better benefit the people of China and Africa.