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Cliff Kupchan, Chairman of Eurasia Group, USA, Visits GVI


 Grandview Institution July 03, 2024 11:54 Beijing


On July 2, 2024, Cliff Kupchan, Chairman, and Jeremy Chan, Senior Analyst, of Eurasia Group, USA, visited GVI and exchanged views about China-US relations and issues like the Russia-Ukraine war, the Korean Peninsula, and the South China Sea with Ren Libo, GVI’s Founder and President, Ouyang Wei, Deputy Director of its Academic Committee, He An, Secretary General, Liu Xiaobo, Director of the Center for Maritime Studies, Zhu Junwei, Director of the Center for American Studies.


Mr. Kupchan has held important positions in the U.S. government and has more than 10 years of experience working in Congress. A well-known expert on Russia, he has had many conversations with President Putin and face-to-face exchanges with then-Senator Joe Biden. He has unique insights into the prospects of China-US relations and some international hot issues such as the Russia-Ukraine crisis.