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China-Russia-India Trilateral Dialogue Series Organized by GVI, RIAC, and Synergia Foundation of India


Grandview Institution July 25, 2024, 16:34 Beijing




On July 25, 2024, GVI, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), and the Synergia Foundation of India held a China-Russia-India Trilateral Dialogue Series.


Participants in this event included Julia Melnikova, RIAC’s Project Manager for Eurasia, Gleb Gryzlov, Project Assistant, Tobby Simon, Founder and President of Synergia India, and He An, GVI’s Secretary General and Director of the Center for South Asia Studies. Other GVI staff, Yang Xiaotong, Head of Research at the Department of International Cooperation, and Mammedov Ata, a Young Researcher were also present.


The online dialogue discussed topics such as deepening cooperation in the SCO, trilateral relations between China, Russia, and India, and the impact of the U.S. presidential election on China, Russia, and India. The three parties have also conducted pragmatic consultations on the content and mechanism of the follow-up dialogue series.