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GVI Holds a Conference for the Launch of the Research Reports on the South China Sea


Grandview Institution 2024.05.15 09:04 Beijing


On the morning of May 14, 2024, GVI called a conference for the launch of a series of South China Sea-related research reports (2024), releasing to the public the newly completed "Research Report on the Security Situation in the South China Sea" and "Research Report on Tracking of International Public Opinion and Information Related to the South China Sea", "Report on the Invasion of Nansha Islands and Reefs by Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia". More than 20 Chinese and foreign scholars, officials from some embassies in China, and journalists from Chinese and foreign media were convened.


At the conference, Liu Xiaobo, Director, and Yi Wushuang, Researcher of the Center for Maritime Studies of GVI, informed the audience of the contents of the released reports. Ouyang Wei, Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of GVI, and Zhou Bo, Researcher of the Center for Strategy and Security Studies of Tsinghua University, gave their comments on the reports. Then, the attendants shared their views on the dynamics of the South China Sea.


The experts present believe that the South China Sea has become a high-risk hotspot in China's maritime direction. Various factors have dragged the South China Sea into increasing instability, with a very high probability of sudden and unexpected incidents at sea and in the air in the future. The fundamental reason for the recent escalation of tensions in the waters is that the Philippines, as a representative, has frequently carried out unilateral actions in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, intending to change the original stabilizing situation of Huangyan Island and Ren'ai Reef. China has been consistent in its South China Sea policy and has exercised sufficient restraint in its reactions to deal with disputes and disagreements, striving to avoid military involvement and the use of force to respond to infringements. China has given full humanitarian consideration and made transitional arrangements to address the livelihood needs of Filipino fishermen and the personnel aboard the stranded Filipino vessel. Since the current disputes between China and some countries over the sovereignty over islands and reefs and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea are difficult to reconcile, the attention of all parties involved should be focused on how to evade crisis events and maintain a peaceful and stable regional security environment, which is a policy choice in line with the common interests of all countries in the region.


The English and Chinese versions of the research reports on the South China Sea released by GVI can be downloaded from the research results section of GVIs official website as follows.


Website: https://www.grandviewcn.com/yanjiubaogao/917.html.